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Product Information
Developed to enable the periodic checking of Thermit acetylene and propane pre-heaters.
The equipment comprises:
a) Base board – dimensions: 735mm x 595mm
b) Adjustable stand
c) Combination gauge
d) Magnetic spirit level
This set enables pre-heaters to be easily checked for accuracy and alignment in accordance to those tolerances as specified by Thermit (GB).
Elements checked:
a) Width across the pins
b) Height of wings
c) Pin heights
d) Pin lengths
e) Verticality of pre-heater torch head
Using the Set
The base board provides a flat datum surface and has locations for the stand, gauge and level when not in use.
The pre-heater is positioned on the base board and levelled using the adjustable stand and magnetic spirit level.
All dimensions (with the exception of the width across the pins) are then taken from the base board surface ensuring consistency of measurement and continuity with Thermit’s own instructions. All elements are checked for both the acetylene and propane pre-heaters with the one combination gauge, which is engraved on both sides with each measurement for each type of pre-heater clearly defined. Effectively the combination gauge acts as a stepped ‘go’ / ‘no go’ inspection gauge making the task of checking the pre-heaters easy and reliable.
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