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Crossing Inspection / Repair Gauges

0046/035005 Crossing inspection wear and batter gauge (3mm)0046/035005 Crossing inspection wear and batter gauge (3mm)

Product Information

Used for assessing wear and batter at the wheel transfer area on crossing sections as per Network Rail standard NR/L2/TRK/1054.

The graduations on the straight edge enable the point ‘C’ position to be defined over a range of crossing sizes.

The 3mm batter gauge is used with the graduated straight edge to check if wear or batter exceeds 3mm at positions as stipulated in the Network Rail standard.

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Thumbnail Network Rail Reference Description  
0046/035004 Graduated straight edge for crossing inspection Network Rail Reference: 0046/035004 Description: Graduated straight edge for crossing inspections and repairs
0046/035005 Crossing inspection wear and batter gauge (3mm) Network Rail Reference: 0046/035005 Description: Crossing inspection wear and batter gauge (3mm)

Graduated Straight Edge:

Engraved with crossing angles:  4, 4.1/2, 5, 5.1/2, 6, 6.1/2, 7, 7.1/2, 8, 9.1/2, 10.3/4, 13, 15, 16, 18.1/2, 21, 24 & 28.

Dimensions. 1000mm long x 40mm high x 8mm thick.


Crossing Inspection Wear and Batter Gauge (3mm):

Dimensions: 20mm (wide) x 100mm long x 3mm thick

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