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Insulated Screwdrivers – Engineers’

Engineer's insulated screwdriver - insulated up to 1000V BS EN 60900Engineer's insulated screwdriver - insulated up to 1000V BS EN 60900

Product Information

All tools shown are manufactured and tested in accordance to BS EN60900:2012, with most tools where available being sourced from Insulated Tools Limited, who are the only company to use Nylon 11 for the protective covering, providing greater durability in harsh conditions.  Each tool is tested to 10,000 volts and rated for use up to 1000 volts a.c. and 1500 volts d.c. for live line working.  Tools supplied are marked in accordance to the requirements of BS EN60900:2012. In some instances tools may also be marked VDE which indicates those products which are manufactured by companies who are also accredited to the VDE Association in Germany.

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Thumbnail Network Rail Reference Description  
0111/108695 Engineer's insulated screwdriver - insulated up to 1000V BS EN 60900 Network Rail Reference: 0111/108695 Description: Screwdriver - engineer's (with parallel blade)
6.5mm x 100mm
Overall length 203mm
(insulated up to 1000V BS EN 60900)
0111/108686  Engineer's insulated screwdriver - insulated up to 1000V BS EN 60900 Network Rail Reference: 0111/108686 Description: Screwdriver - engineer's (with parallel blade)
10mm x 254mm
Overall length 368mm
(insulated up to 1000V BS EN 60900)
0039/087195 Engineer's insulated screwdriver - insulated up to 1000V BS EN 60900 Network Rail Reference: 0039/087195 Description: Screwdriver - engineer's (with parallel blade)
8mm x 150mm
Overall length 253mm
(insulated up to 1000V BS EN 60900)
0111/108696 Engineer's insulated screwdriver - insulated up to 1000V BS EN 60900 Network Rail Reference: 0111/108696 Description: Screwdriver - engineer's (with parallel blade)
10mm x 203mm
Overall length 317mm
(insulated up to 1000V BS EN 60900)

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