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Product Information
Used to verify the amount of wear on the head of the rail. Also used by welders to establish the correct mould selection. For use on UK rail sections; 80A, 98, 109, 110A, 113A, UIC60 flat bottom rail sections also 95 bull head rail sections.
Includes a dual reading scale. This enables not only the amount of wear to be determined but also any deviation in height above the specified nominal vertical dimension of new rail.
Occasionally new rail may have been ‘rolled’ oversize in the rolling mills. This increase over and above the nominal height of the new rail can then have a bearing on the correct selection of moulds. The dual scale will show this variation as a positive reading from the nominal height.
Each gauge has a serial number to aid asset management/calibration recording.
Used for checking wear in rail types:-
Bull Head : 95
Flat Bottom : 80A, 98,109, 110A, 113A, and UIC60
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